Click on a call or scroll through the list.


  • Alamo Style Wave
  • Alamo Swing Thru
  • All 8 Circulate
  • All Around The Left Hand Lady
  • Allemande Left
  • Allemande Right
  • Allemande Thar
  • Backtrack
  • Balance
  • Bend The Line
  • Box Circulate
  • Box The Gnat
  • California Twirl
  • Chain Down The Line
  • Circle Left
  • Circle Right
  • Circle To A Line
  • Circulate
  • Column Circulate
  • Couples Circulate
  • Couples Trade
  • Courtesy Turn
  • Cross Run
  • Dive Thru
  • Do Paso
  • Dosado
  • Double Pass Thru
  • Extend
  • Ferris Wheel
  • Flutterwheel
  • Forward And Back
  • Four Ladies Chain 3/4
  • Four Ladies Chain (Normal)
  • Grand Square
  • Half Sashay
  • Ladies Chain
  • Ladies In, Men Sashay
  • Lead Right
  • Left Arm Turn
  • Left Swing Thru
  • Left Square Thru
  • Mini Wave
  • Ocean Wave
  • Ocean Wave, Left Hand
  • Ocean Wave, Right Hand
  • Partner Trade
  • Pass The Ocean
  • Pass Thru
  • Promenade Single File
  • Promenade (Full, 3/4,1/2)
  • Reverse Flutterwheel
  • Right And Left Grand
  • Right And Left Thru
  • Right Arm Turn
  • Rollaway
  • Run
  • See Saw
  • Separate
  • Shoot The Star
  • Slip The Clutch
  • Split Circulate
  • Split The Outside Couple
  • Square Thru
  • Star Left
  • Star Promenade
  • Star Right
  • Star Thru
  • Sweep A Quarter
  • Swing
  • Swing Thru
  • Touch 1/4
  • Trade By
  • Trade
  • U Turn Back
  • Veer Left
  • Veer Right
  • Weave The Ring
  • Wheel And Deal (Lines Of Four)
  • Wheel And Deal (Two-Faced Lines)
  • Wheel Around
  • Wrong Way Grand
  • Wrong Way Promenade
  • Wrong Way Thar
  • Zoom
  • Alamo Style Wave

    DEFINITION: Alamo style is a formation of an even number of dancers in a circle holding adjacent hands and with each dancer facing in an opposite direction to that of the adjoining dancers.



    STYLE: Dancers should use hands-up position. Forward distance between dancers should be determined by the arm position of the dancer which is extended forward and bent slightly at the elbow. Care should be taken not to pull down on the partner's arm.

    Alamo Swing Thru

    DEFINITION: Everyone turns half by the right, then everyone turns half by the left. When left swing thru is directed from an Alamo formation, everyone turns half by the left, then everyone turns half by the right.


    TIMING: 6 steps from point of contact.

    STYLE: All hands are joined in hands-up position, elbows in close. Exert slight pressure to assist opposite dancer in turning. Arcing turns should be utilized rather than pull by type of movements and should flow effortlessly from one turn to the other so that you are in a sense, "weaving" along the line.

    All 8 Circulate

    DEFINITION: Directed dancers circulate using the general rule. RULE: The call means to rotate in circular fashion moving forward one position within the formation. Dancers always move forward to the spot previously occupied by the dancer ahead in the given formation. The dancers specified may follow one another moving in the same direction or may pass Right shoulders as they meet going opposite directions. (Definition expanded to replace diagrams).

    STARTING FORMATION: Ocean waves, lines, columns, or two-faced lines.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

    All Around The Left Hand Lady

    DEFINITION: All dancers face their corners. Walking forward and around each other while keeping right shoulders adjacent, dancers return to face their partner.

    STARTING FORMATION: Square or circle.

    TIMING: 8 steps.

    STYLE: Men's arms in natural dance position. Ladies use both hands on skirt, moving skirt forward and back to avoid opposite dancer.

    Allemande Left (Left Arm Turn)

    DEFINITION: Dancers face their corners and turn by the left forearm. Releasing arm holds and stepping forward, each dancer ends facing his partner. LEFT ARM TURN: starts from facing dancers. Join left forearms and walk forward and around each other the distance specified. 1/2, 3/4, full.

    STARTING FORMATION: Any position where dancers can conveniently turn 90' or less to face their corner.

    TIMING: Full around, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2.

    STYLE: The arms are held past the waist but not past the elbow joint. Each dancer places his hand on the inside of the arm of the person with whom he is to work. The fingers and thumb are held close. The center of the turn will be at the joined arms, so, while turning, each dancer is moving equally around the other.

    Allemande Right

    DEFINITION: Like allemande left, but dancers turn with the right forearm.

    STARTING FORMATION: Any position where dancers can conveniently turn 1/4 or less and face their corner.

    TIMING: Full around, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2.

    STYLE: The arms are held past the waist but not past the elbow joint. Each dancer places his hand on the inside of the arm of the person with whom he is to work. The fingers and thumb are held close. The center of the turn will be at the joined arms, so, while turning, each dancer is moving equally around the other.

    Allemande Thar

    DEFINITION: An allemande thar star is a formation and may be formed at the end of any left arm turn by the center dancers (or those directed) forming a right hand box star and backing up. Each outside dancer holds a left forearm of a center dancer and walks forward.


    TIMING: Static Square from allemande left to point of backup star, 12 steps.

    STYLE: When the men are in the center backing up, their right hands will form a packsaddle/box star, taking the wrist of the man in front of him. When the ladies star, they will simply touch hands in the center. The dancers forming the star must remember to allow those on the outside to set pace, since they have to travel a much further distance. If the centers move too fast, the result is that those on the outside will have to run to maintain the pace. As in any star, the ladies, while on the outside, may elect to hold their skirts.


    DEFINITION: The dancer does a U turn back by stepping out and turning away from partner or the center of the set.

    STARTING FORMATION: Single dancer.

    TIMING: 2 steps.

    STYLE: Arms in natural dance position.


    DEFINITION: Each dancer steps forward and pauses while bringing the other foot forward and touching it to the floor without transferring weight. Each steps back on the free foot and pauses while touching the other foot beside it.

    STARTING FORMATION: Mini Wave of ocean wave.

    TIMING: One balance forward and back, 4 steps.

    STYLE: Hands should never come behind the shoulders. Step forward touch, step back touch. Or, as a pleasing variation, use a two-step (step, close, step, hold) forward and a two-step (step, close, step, hold) back. Hands may be used to resist forward motion to prevent stepping through too far.

    Bend The Line

    DEFINITION: The center dancers in the line drop hands with each other. With each half of the line working as a unit, the ends move forward while the centers back up until both halves of the line are facing.

    STARTING FORMATION: Any line with an even number of dancers. Dancers in each half of the line must be facing in the same direction.

    TIMING: Lines of 4, 6 or 8, 4 steps.

    STYLE: As ends move forward, centers back up equally. Use normal couple handhold and in the event a new line is formed, immediately join hands in the new line.

    Box Circulate

    DEFINITION: Four dancers in two parallel mini-waves move forward within their own box to take the place of the dancer ahead of them in the box. There may be one box working in the center of the square (such as 1&3 Touch 1/4) or two boxes working side-by-side (such as Ocean Waves split thru the middle), or two boxes working end-to-end (such as the four dancers on the same end of two parallel columns). (Definition expanded to replace diagrams)

    STARTING FORMATION: Box circulate.

    TIMING: 2 steps.

    STYLE: Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

    Box The Gnat

    DEFINITION: Dancers step forward, join and then raise their right hands. The lady steps forward and does a left-face U turn back under the raised joined hands, as the man walks forward and around the lady while doing a right-face U turn back. Dancers end facing each other, each in the other's starting position.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers (man and lady).

    TIMING: 4 steps from point of contact.

    STYLE: Start with a handshake position. The joined fingers must be held so that the man's fingers may turn over the lady's fingers easily while still providing some degree of security or stabilization. At the completion of the movement, the hands should be in handshake position.

    California Twirl

    DEFINITION: Partners join hands (man's right with lady's left) and raise them to form an arch. The lady walks forward and under their joined hands making a one half left-faced turn while the man walks around the lady in a clockwise direction on half. Dancers have exchanged places and are both facing in the opposite direction from which they started.

    STARTING FORMATION: Normal couple (man and lady)

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Men and ladies use loose hand grip. Outside hands in natural position. It is important that the man does not "wind" the lady. Man's hand should be used to stabilize as the lady provides her own momentum. It is also important that the man's hand remain well above the lady's head. Hands should be adjusted to normal couple handholds after completion of the basic.

    Chain Down The Line

    DEFINITION: Centers Trade and the ends adjust as necessary. The ends courtesy turn the centers.

    STARTING FORMATION: Right hand line or left hand ocean wave.

    TIMING: 8 steps.

    STYLE: Men release partner then turn right shoulder slightly toward the center of the square to begin the courtesy turn portion of the call, step back with the left foot. Ladies use handshake pull by for two ladies chain. No skirt work except as part of the courtesy turn. Three quarter and four ladies chain, ladies use the hands up palm star, touching right hands in the star pattern. It is important that the man clears a path for receiving the lady after the chain by moving slightly to the right and starting the courtesy turn motion before the lady arrives.

    Circle Left
    Circle Right

    DEFINITION: Dancers join hands to form a circle, face slightly left or right as directed and move forward around the circle the distance directed. When left or right is not specified for circle, it is circle to the left.

    STARTING FORMATION: Starting formation - two or more dancers.

    TIMING: Standing or static square 8 people, full around, 16 steps; three quarters, 12 steps; one half, 8 steps; one quarter, 4 steps.

    STYLE: All dancers walk (dance) forward with joined hands, men's palms up and lady's palms down, elbows bent comfortably so that hands are above the elbow.

    Circle To A Line

    DEFINITION: Couples circle left one half. The lead dancer in the couple who started on the inside (man's position) releases the left handhold, but retains the handhold of the dancer on his right to become the left end dancer of the line. The released dancer moves forward under a raised arm arch formed by that dancer and the adjacent dancer to become the right end dancer in the line.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples.

    TIMING: 8 steps.

    STYLE: The circle portion is the same as in circle eight. As the man breaks with his left hand to form a line, he should lead the line several steps before turning. After the end lady has released her right hand, and while retaining the right hand of the man beside her, together they will raise their joined hands and make an arch. Then as the line begins to straighten out, she will move forward under this arch, turning left face gradually under her own left arm so that instead of backing up she is moving forward to the end of the line.

    Circulate (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers)

    DEFINITION: Directed dancers circulate using the general rule. RULE: The call means to rotate in circular fashion moving forward one position within the formation. Dancers always move forward to the spot previously occupied by the dancer ahead in the given formation. The dancers specified may follow one another moving in the same direction or may pass Right shoulders as they meet going opposite directions. (Definition expanded to replace diagrams)

    STARTING FORMATION: Waves, columns, lines and two-faced lines.

    TIMING: From ocean waves, centers, 4 steps; ends, 4 steps; all, 4 steps.

    STYLE: Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

    Column Circulate

    DEFINITION: Also know as Single File Circulate. Each dancer moves forward along the circulate path to the next position, using the general rule. RULE: The call means to rotate in circular fashion moving forward one position within the formation. Dancers always move forward to the spot previously occupied by the dancer ahead in the given formation. The dancers specified may follow one another moving in the same direction or may pass Right shoulders as they meet going opposite directions. (Definition expanded to replace diagrams)


    TIMING: 2 steps

    STYLE: Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

    Couples Circulate

    DEFINITION: Each couple, working as a unit moves forward along the circulate path to the next position, using the general rule. RULE: The call means to rotate in circular fashion moving forward one position within the formation. Dancers always move forward to the spot previously occupied by the dancer ahead in the given formation. The dancers specified may follow one another moving in the same direction or may pass Right shoulders as they meet going opposite directions. (Definition expanded to replace diagrams)

    STARTING FORMATION: Lines, two-faced lines.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: All dancers use couple handhold when doing a couples circulate. Couples traveling the shorter distance should adjust with shorter steps to coincide with those traveling the longer distance. Those traveling the longer distance should avoid rushing. Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

    Couples Trade

    DEFINITION: Working as a unit, each couple exchanges places with the other couple in the same line. Couples, as a unit, follow the right shoulder passing rule as defined for individual dancers. General rule: Any two directed dancers exchange places by walking forward in a semi-circle ending in the other dancer's starting position. Each trading dancer has reversed his original facing direction. If the trading dancers start while facing in the same direction, they pass right shoulders when they meet per the right shoulder passing rule.

    STARTING FORMATION: Line or two-faced line.

    TIMING: 6 steps

    STYLE: Couples trade use normal couple handhold and styling similar to wheel and deal.

    Courtesy Turn

    DEFINITION: The man (left hand dancer) takes the lady's (right hand dancer) left hand (palm down) in his left (palm up) and places his right hand in the small of the lady's back. Working as a unit, the couple turns around with the left hand dancer backing up and the right hand dancer walking forward. Unless otherwise specified, the couple faces the center of the set or the center of the formation in which it is working.

    STARTING FORMATION: Couple, facing dancers.

    LIMITATIONS: Limited at MAINSTREAM to couples with man on left, woman on right.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Men, the extended left hand serves as a direction indicator and the man uses his left hand to lead, not pull. Place the right hand in the small of the lady's back. Ladies use the right hand to work skirt.

    Cross Run

    DEFINITION: Each of the two directed (active) dancers, who must both be either centers or ends, run into the spot vacated by the farthest inactive dancer. If the inactive dancers are centers, they sidestep to become ends; if they are ends, they sidestep to become centers. When the active dancers are both facing in the same direction, they move forward in a semi-circle, pass each other and then run into the vacated spot on the far side. Note: General rule. The directed (active) dancer moves forward in a semi-circle (180') around an adjacent (inactive) dancer to end in the adjacent dancer's starting position. Meanwhile, the inactive dancer, who may be facing in any direction, adjusts by stepping (without changing facing direction) into the vacated starting position of the active dancer. The active dancer doing the run has reversed his original facing direction. If the direction to run is not specified (right or left) and if the active dancer has an inactive dancer on each side, then centers run around ends and ends run around centers. Runs from an alamo circle are to the right unless otherwise directed.

    STARTING FORMATION: Line, two-faced line, or wave.

    TIMING: 6 steps

    STYLE: Hands should blend into handhold required for following formation.

    Dive Thru

    DEFINITION: The couple whose back is to the center of the square (unless a specific couple is directed) makes an arch by raising their joined inside hands. The other couple ducks under the arch and moves forward. The couple making the arch moves forward and does a california twirl. If neither couple has its back to the center of the set, then one couple must be directed to dive thru the other couple.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples (man and lady).

    TIMING: Box, couple diving, 2 steps; couple facing out, 6.

    STYLE: The couple making the arch uses a loose handhold. Stand far enough apart to allow another couple to dive under. It is permissible for dancers making the arch to part hands momentarily if it is uncomfortable to reach over diving dancers. After hands are rejoined, styling should be the same as described for California twirl. Couple diving under uses couple handhold. Bend low enough and stay close enough to partner to move comfortably underneath the arch.

    Do Paso

    DEFINITION: Each dancer faces partner or directed dancer and does a left arm turn half way to face in the opposite direction. Releasing arm holds and moving forward, each dancer goes to the corner for a right arm turn half way. Each returns to the starting partner to courtesy turn to face the center of the set or to follow the next call.

    STARTING FORMATION: Circle of two or more couples.

    TIMING: Static Square from start to finish of courtesy turn, 16 steps; to the next call, 12.

    STYLE: All dancers' hands in position fir forearm turns, alternating left and right. When the courtesy turn position of the do paso is replaced by a different logical basic, then the styling reverts to that basic.


    DEFINITION: Dancers advance and pass right shoulders. Without turning, each dancer moves to the right passing in back of the other dancer. Then moving backwards, each passes left shoulders returning to starting position.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers.

    TIMING: Static Square with corner, 6 steps; with partner, 6; from a Box formation, 6; Static Square across the set, 8.

    STYLE: Men - arms in natural dance position, right shoulders forward as right shoulders pass, left shoulders forward as left shoulders pass. Ladies - both hands on skirt, moving skirt forward and back to avoid opposite dancer, right hand forward as right shoulders pass, left hand forward as left shoulders pass.

    Double Pass Thru

    DEFINITION: Dancers move forward, passing right shoulders with two other dancers to finish facing away from the center of the set in a completed double pass thru formation.

    STARTING FORMATION: Double pass thru.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Same as in pass thru. Dancer leads slightly with the right shoulder and therefore the lady could use her right hand to work her skirt by putting it in front of her as she passes.


    DEFINITION: Dancers in the wave release hands and step forward to the couple they are facing and join hands in a Right Hand Wave. If the original wave is Left Handed, dancers Extend to a Left Hand Wave. Note: Centers in the wave remain centers in the new waves and ends in the wave end as ends in the new wave.

    STARTING FORMATION: 1/4 tag formation ONLY.

    TIMING: 2 steps.

    STYLE: All dancers move forward smoothly during the extending action and use appropriate handholds and styling for the formation achieved.

    Ferris Wheel

    DEFINITION: The couples facing out wheel and deal to become the outside couples in a double pass thru formation. Meanwhile, the couples facing in step straight ahead to momentarily form a two faced line in the center. Without stopping they wheel and deal in that line to end as the center couples in a double pass thru formation.

    STARTING FORMATION: Two parallel two-faced lines.

    TIMING: 6 steps.

    STYLE: All dancers use couple handholds. It is important that those couples doing a half circulate form a momentary two-faced line in the center (perhaps touching hands to ensure the two-faced line position) before starting their wheel and deal motion. Couples do not start wheel and deal motion from original starting position. They must circulate half to the momentary two-faced line.


    DEFINITION: The right hand dancers go into the center and turn by the right forearm. As they move adjacent to the opposite dancer, they reach out with the free (left) hand and, taking the opposite dancer, each continues on around to the original right hand dancer's starting position, releasing arms in the center and turning as a couple to face the center.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples.

    TIMING: Static square, head or side ladies, 8 steps. All four ladies, 12 steps.

    STYLE: Dancers turning in the center should remember the principle of the forearm turn. The dancer being picked up can enhance the movement by anticipating the approach of the opposite dancer and step beside that person, taking normal couple handhold. If girls are on the outside, skirt work with the free hand is desirable.

    Forward And Back

    DEFINITION: Each dancer steps forward 3 steps and pauses while bringing the free foot forward and touching it to the floor without transferring weight. Each steps back 3 steps beginning with the free foot and pauses while touching the free foot beside the weight-bearing foot. From facing lines of four or similar situations where eight counts are not appropriate, each dancer steps forward and pauses while bringing the other foot forward and touching it to the floor without transferring weight. Each steps back on the free foot and pauses whiles touching the other foot beside it.

    STARTING FORMATION: Single dancer.

    TIMING: Static Square all, 8 steps; heads or sides, 8 steps; rock forward and back, 4 steps; balance, 4 steps.

    STYLE: Couples have inside hands joined. As couples meet in the center, outside hands may be touched palm to palm. As the foot is brought to the touch (on the 4th and 8th counts), it should remain on the floor.

    Four Ladies Chain

    DEFINITION: Similar to two ladies chain except that all four ladies step to the center and form a right hand star. They turn the star halfway around to their opposite men. All courtesy turn to face the center of the set.

    STARTING FORMATION: Square or circle of 8 dancers.

    TIMING: Four ladies across set, 8

    STYLE: Men release partner then turn right shoulder slightly toward the center of the square to begin the courtesy turn portion of the call, step back with the left foot. Ladies use handshake pull by for two ladies chain. No skirt work except as part of the courtesy turn. Three quarter and four ladies chain, ladies use the hands up palm star, touching right hands in the star pattern. It is important that the man clears a path for receiving the lady after the chain by moving slightly to the right and starting the courtesy turn motion before the lady arrives.

    Four Ladies Chain 3/4

    DEFINITION: The directed ladies step to the center, form a right hand star and turn the star three quarters. All courtesy turn to face the center of the set.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples, a square or circle of 8 dancers.

    TIMING: Four ladies chain three quarters, 10.

    STYLE: Men release partner then turn right shoulder slightly toward the center of the square to begin the courtesy turn portion of the call, step back with the left foot. Ladies use handshake pull by for two ladies chain. No skirt work except as part of the courtesy turn. Three quarter and four ladies chain, ladies use the hands up palm star, touching right hands in the star pattern. It is important that the man clears a path for receiving the lady after the chain by moving slightly to the right and starting the courtesy turn motion before the lady arrives.

    Grand Square

    DEFINITION: A call that has the sides doing one part while at the same time the heads are doing another. Heads move forward into the square (4 steps), turning one quarter on the fourth step to face partners and back away to the sides of the square (4 steps). Turn one quarter to face the original opposites. Back away to the corners of the square (4 steps) and turn one quarter to face original partners and walk forward to home (4 steps). Do not turn. From this point the action is reversed. Heads back away from their partners (4 steps), turning one quarter on the fourth step and walk forward to the opposite (4 steps). Turn one quarter and walk forward into the center toward partners (4 steps). Turn one quarter to face opposites and back up to home. While the heads are doing the first 16 steps, the sides start by facing their partners to back away and do the second 16 steps. Completing this, the sides do the first 16 steps, while the heads are doing the last 16. The principle of walking 3 steps and turning (or reversing) on the fourth step is followed throughout. This call may be broken into fractional parts by the caller directing the number of steps required. The call may also start with the heads, or other designated dancers, directed to face.


    TIMING: 32 steps

    STYLE: Mens' arms in natural dance position; ladies work skirt with natural swing action. When moving forward and backward as a couple, normal couple handhold is desired.

    Half Sashay

    DEFINITION: Partners exchange places without changing facing directions. Dancer on the right side steps to the left, while the dancer on the left steps back, side steps to the right, then steps forward to rejoin partner.


    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Hands held in normal couple handholds. Man and lady each use a slight pulling motion toward each other as they initiate the sashay movement.

    Ladies Chain (Normal)

    DEFINITION: The ladies step forward, extend right hands to each other and pull by. Each man steps forward and to the right, turning left to face the same direction as the lady beside him. The lady extends a left hand to the man for a courtesy turn. Couples end facing each other.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples (man on left, lady on right).

    TIMING: Static Square, two ladies across set, 8 steps; three quarters, 10.

    STYLE: Men release partner then turn right shoulder slightly toward the center of the square to begin the courtesy turn portion of the call, step back with the left foot. Ladies use handshake pull by for two ladies chain. No skirt work except as part of the courtesy turn. Three quarter and four ladies chain, ladies use the hands up palm star, touching right hands in the star pattern. It is important that the man clears a path for receiving the lady after the chain by moving slightly to the right and starting the courtesy turn motion before the lady arrives.

    Ladies In, Men Sashay

    DEFINITION: With all dancers facing in, the ladies step forward and pause, while the men move to the left behind and past one lady. Ladies step back and rejoin hands with the men. If the circle is moving to the right, the men sashay to the right.

    STARTING FORMATION: Circle or line with alternating men and ladies.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Men's hands in slightly up position ready to rejoin the ladies in the circle. Ladies should have both hands on skirt when moving to the center and momentarily bunch skirts before returning to the circle.

    Lead Right

    DEFINITION: Directed couple(s) take a step forward and as a unit turn to the right 90' and move forward.


    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Normal couple handhold between the man and lady, outside hands in normal dance position.

    Left Square Thru

    DEFINITION: Similar to square thru except that it is started with the left hand and hands are alternated accordingly. When a left square thru is required, "left square thru" must be directed.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples.

    TIMING: Static Square, 4 people full, 10 steps; three quarters, 8 steps; one half, 6 steps; on quarter, 4. Box, 4 people full, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2 steps.

    STYLE: Styling should be similar to that in right and left grand. Corners should be rounded off rather than pulling through and doing a square military turn.

    Left Swing Thru

    DEFINITION: Those who can, turn by the left one half, then those who can, turn by the right one half. If left swing thru is required, it must be specifically directed "left swing thru".

    STARTING FORMATION: Ocean wave or alamo.

    TIMING: 6 steps from point of contact.

    STYLE: All hands are joined in hands-up position, elbows in close. Exert slight pressure to assist opposite dancer in turning. Arcing turns should be utilized rather than pull by type of movements and should flow effortlessly from one turn to the other so that you are in a sense, "weaving" along the line.

    Mini Wave

    DEFINITION: Mini wave is an ocean wave consisting of two dancers.



    STYLE: Dancers should use hands-up position. Forward distance between dancers should be determined by the arm position of the dancer which is extended forward and bent slightly at the elbow. Care should be taken not to pull down on the partner's arm.

    Ocean Wave

    DEFINITION: Ocean wave is a formation of three or more dancers holding adjacent hands and with each dancer facing in an opposite direction to that of the adjoining dancer(s).



    STYLE: Dancers should use hands-up position. Forward distance between dancers should be determined by the arm position of the dancer which is extended forward and bent slightly at the elbow. Care should be taken not to pull down on the partner's arm.

    Ocean Wave, Left Hand

    DEFINITION: An ocean wave with an even number of dancers is a left hand wave if the end dancers and the dancers adjacent to them have left hands joined.



    STYLE: Dancers should use hands-up position. Forward distance between dancers should be determined by the arm position of the dancer which is extended forward and bent slightly at the elbow. Care should be taken not to pull down on the partner's arm.

    Ocean Wave, Right Hand

    DEFINITION: An ocean wave with an even number of dancers is a right hand wave if the end dancers and the dancers adjacent to them have right hands joined.



    STYLE: Dancers should use hands-up position. Forward distance between dancers should be determined by the arm position of the dancer which is extended forward and bent slightly at the elbow. Care should be taken not to pull down on the partner's arm.

    Partner Trade

    DEFINITION: Two dancers exchange places with each other. General rule: Any two directed dancers exchange places by walking forward in a semi-circle ending in the other dancer's starting position. Each trading dancer has reversed his original facing direction. If the trading dancers start while facing in the same direction, they pass right shoulders when they meet per the right shoulder passing rule.

    STARTING FORMATION: Couple, mini wave.

    TIMING: Static square, partner 4 steps.

    STYLE: When doing a partner trade, use inside hands to exert slight pressure to assist each other in trading.

    Pass The Ocean

    DEFINITION: Dancers pass thru, turn in to face their partners and step into a right hand ocean wave.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples only.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Couples who pass thru and face partner use styling similar to that described in pass thru.

    Pass Thru

    DEFINITION: Dancers move forward, passing right shoulders with each other. Each ends in the other's starting position but neither dancer changes facing direction.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers.

    TIMING: From a static square , heads or sides passing thru across the set, 4; box, 2.

    STYLE: Man's right shoulder slightly forward as right shoulders pass. Arms in natural dance position. Ladies work skirts with hands, right hand leading as right shoulders pass.


    DEFINITION: As a unit the couple walks forward around the circle counterclockwise. Unless otherwise specified, they promenade until reaching the man's home position. At the end of the promenade the couple turns, as a unit, to face the center of the set. If promenading to the man's home position, the couple always goes at least one quarter around the square. If need be, they continue past the man's home position for another full time around.


    TIMING: Static Square, couples promenading full around, 16; three quarters, 12; one half, 8; one quarter, 4; 4 people promenading inside, 8.

    STYLE: In promenade position the man's hands are palm up, right forearm over the lady's left arm. Lady's hands are palm down in the man's hand. Joined hands should be positioned equally between partners.

    Promenade Single File

    DEFINITION: Dancers move forward in single file counterclockwise or clockwise around the circle, as directed.

    STARTING FORMATION: Single file promenade.

    TIMING: In single file promenade man's arms are held in natural dance position; lady's hands on skirt, working with the natural swinging motion.


    Reverse Flutterwheel

    DEFINITION: Generally the same as flutterwheel except that the two left hand dancers start with a left forearm turn and pick up the opposite dancers to return to their (the left hand dancer's) starting position.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples.

    TIMING: Static square, head or side, 8 steps; all four, 12 steps.

    STYLE: Dancers turning in the center should remember the principle of the forearm turn. The dancer being picked up can enhance the movement by anticipating the approach of the opposite dancer and step beside that person, taking normal couple handhold. If girls are on the outside, skirt work with the free hand is desirable.

    Right And Left Grand

    DEFINITION: If necessary, dancers turn 90' or less to face opposite sex (men counterclockwise, ladies clockwise) join right hands, if not already joined, and pull by. Each moves ahead, around the circle, and each gives the left hand to the next, a right to the next and a left to the next until each dancer meets the person with whom he started.

    STARTING FORMATION: Square or circle or any position where dancers may conveniently turn 90' or less (if necessary) to face opposite sex, men facing counterclockwise, ladies clockwise.

    TIMING: Until you meet your partner on the other side, 10 steps.

    STYLE: In the right and left grand for all dancers, hands are involved with alternating pull-by movements, no twirls. Arms should be held in natural dance position and the handhold position should be released as dancers pass each other. Men particularly should stand tall and resist the temptation to lean over and stretch out their hand to the next person. Just a comfortable extension of the arm and hand is all that is necessary. Brief eye contact should be made as they meet each dancer.

    Right And Left Thru

    DEFINITION: Dancers step forward, join right hands with the dancer directly ahead and pull by. Each couple then does a courtesy turn to face the other couple.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples.

    TIMING: Static Square, heads or sides across the set, 8 steps; Box (couples standing close together), 6; OW (within an ocean wave - a formation that appears in basic), 6 steps.

    STYLE: Each dancer takes regular handshake hold (right hands) with opposite as they move forward by each other. They release hands immediately as they pull by. For courtesy turn styling, refer to that basic.

    Right Arm Turn

    DEFINITION: Like allemande left, but dancers turn with the right forearm.

    STARTING FORMATION: Any position where dancers can conveniently turn 1/4 or less and face their corner.

    TIMING: Full around, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2.

    STYLE: The arms are held past the waist but not past the elbow joint. Each dancer places his hand on the inside of the arm of the person with whom he is to work. The fingers and thumb are held close. The center of the turn will be at the joined arms, so, while turning, each dancer is moving equally around the other.


    DEFINITION: The directed dancer, or if not specified the dancer on the right, rolls across a full turn (360') in front of the dancer on the left, as he side steps to the right - to exchange places. From a circle, unless otherwise directed, the ladies roll left across in front of the men.


    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Handhold same as joined couples. Man should slightly pull lady as both man and lady reach to join hands and continue pulling motion with outside hand. Man steps back with left foot, to the side and across.

    Run (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers)

    DEFINITION: The directed (active) dancers run around the inactive dancers using the general rule. Note: General rule. The directed (active) dancer moves forward in a semi-circle (180') around an adjacent (inactive) dancer to end in the adjacent dancer's starting position. Meanwhile, the inactive dancer, who may be facing in any direction, adjusts by stepping (without changing facing direction) into the vacated starting position of the active dancer. The active dancer doing the run has reversed his original facing direction. If the direction to run is not specified (right or left) and if the active dancer has an inactive dancer on each side, then centers run around ends and ends run around centers. Runs from an alamo circle are to the right unless otherwise directed.

    STARTING FORMATION: Any two-dancer formation in which the directed dancer has a shoulder directly adjacent to the other dancer.

    TIMING: From ocean waves, centers, 4 steps; ends, 4.

    STYLE: Hands should blend into handholds required for following formation.

    See Saw

    DEFINITION: When combined with all around the left hand lady, each dancer walks forward and around the partner keeping left shoulders adjacent, then steps forward to face the corner. In all other cases it is a left shoulder dosado. Dancers advance and pass left shoulders. Each without turning moves to the left passing in back of the other dancer and then moves backward passing right shoulders returning to starting position.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers, square or circle.

    TIMING: 8 steps.

    STYLE: When combined with all around your corner, styling is the same as in all around the left hand lady except that left shoulders are kept adjacent and left hand and left shoulder should be kept forward. When used as a left shoulder dosado, styling is the same as dosado except the left shoulder leads first.


    DEFINITION: The dancers in the couple turn back to back with each other and walk forward around the outside of the square. The distance traveled is determined by the next call.


    TIMING: 2 steps.

    STYLE: Those not active will move forward to get out of the way so that those moving will not have so far to go. Men's arms in natural dance position; ladies' skirt work optional.

    Shoot The Star

    DEFINITION: The handholds forming the center star are released as each dancer and the adjacent outside dancer arm turn one half (180') or full (360') as directed. If half or full is not directed, the arm turn is one half.

    STARTING FORMATION: Thar or wrong way thar.

    TIMING: Regular, 4 steps; full around, 8.

    STYLE: The forearm position is used for shooting the star. Outside hands free and in a natural dance position. Lady will continue to hold skirt until hand is needed for next command.

    Slip The Clutch

    DEFINITION: Dancers in the center of the thar stop and, while retaining the star, release arm holds with the dancers beside them. Everyone then moves forward within the circle in which he was traveling while in the thar.

    STARTING FORMATION: Thar or wrong way thar.

    TIMING: 2 steps.

    STYLE: Despite the change of moving direction, you can make the switch flowing and comfortable if the arm hold is released effortlessly and that same hand is held ready to turn the next person as directed.

    Split Circulate

    DEFINITION: The formations divide into two separate boxes and dancers circulate within their own foursome, using the general rule. RULE: The call means to rotate in circular fashion moving forward one position within the formation. Dancers always move forward to the spot previously occupied by the dancer ahead in the given formation. The dancers specified may follow one another moving in the same direction or may pass Right shoulders as they meet going opposite directions. (Definition expanded to replace diagrams)

    STARTING FORMATION: Lines, waves or columns.

    TIMING: From lines and waves, 4 steps; from columns, 2 steps.

    STYLE: Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

    Split The Outside Couple

    DEFINITION: The active or directed couple moves forward between the outside couple who sidesteps slightly to let them through, then sidesteps back together again.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples.

    TIMING: Static Square, heads or sides pass thru around one to a line, 8; around two to a line, 10; to home, 12. From a box, insides split the outsides to a line, 4 steps; to home position, 6.

    STYLE: Men's arms in natural dance position; ladies may work skirts. The couple that is separated by the active couple simply moves out of the way so that the active couple may move between them. Once the active couple has moved through and is out of the way, the couple who separated will move together once again.

    Square Thru (1-5)

    DEFINITION: Facing dancers join right hands and pull by. Turn in one quarter, join left hands and pull by. (A half square thru has been completed.) Turn in one quarter and join right hands with facing dancer and pull by. (A three quarter square thru has been completed.) Turn in one quarter, join left hands and pull by but do not turn. (A full square thru has been completed.) Variations of square thru may be specified by fractions or by the number of hands, e.g., square thru three quarters is the same as square thru three hands, etc.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples.

    TIMING: Static Square, 4 people full, 10 steps; three quarters, 8 steps; one half, 6 steps; on quarter, 4. Box, 4 people full, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2 steps.

    STYLE: Styling should be similar to that in right and left grand. Corners should be rounded off rather than pulling through and doing a square military turn.

    Star Left

    DEFINITION: The directed dancers step forward and extend left hands to form a left hand star. Dancers turn the star by walking forward in a circle around the center of the star. Turning distance of the star may be specified in fractions of one quarter, one half, three quarters, or a complete revolution.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers, facing couples, square, circle.

    TIMING: 4 people full around, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2; 8 people, full around, 16; three quarters, 12; one half, 8; one quarter, 4.

    STYLE: In a forward moving star inside hands should be joined in a "palm star" position (hands of those making the star at about average eye level - palms touching), arms bent at elbow. Men's outside arms in natural dance position, ladies' outside hands work skirt.

    Star Promenade

    DEFINITION: Directed dancers form a star and place the other arm around the waist of another directed dancer. Turn the star and promenade the distance specified.

    STARTING FORMATION: Star or promenade.

    TIMING: 4 couples full around, 12; three quarters, 12; one half, 6; one quarter, 3. 4 couples full around with back out at home, 16.

    STYLE: Men's inside hands joined the same as in a right or left hand star, outside arm around the lady's waist. Lady's inside arm around man's waist under his arm, outside hand works skirt.

    Star Right

    DEFINITION: The directed dancers step forward and extend right hands to form a right hand star. -Dancers turn the star by walking forward in a circle around the center of the star. Turning distance of the star may be specified in fractions of one quarter, one half, three quarters, or a complete revolution.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers, facing couples, square, circle.

    TIMING: 4 people full around, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2; 8 people, full around, 16; three quarters, 12; one half, 8; one quarter, 4.

    STYLE: In a forward moving star inside hands should be joined in a "palm star" position (hands of those making the star at about average eye level - palms touching), arms bent at elbow. Men's outside arms in natural dance position, ladies' outside hands work skirt.

    Star Thru

    DEFINITION: Man's right hand is placed against the lady's left, palm to palm with fingers up, to make an arch. As the dancers move forward, the lady does a one quarter left face turn under the arch, while the man does a one quarter turn to the right moving behind the lady. They end side by side with the lady on the man's right.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers (man and lady).

    TIMING: 4 steps from point of contact.

    STYLE: Hands are joined in the arch, palm to palm, fingers pointed up. Hand grip should be adjusted to couple handhold after the basic is completed. Join hands in raised position approximately eye level. It is important that hands not be joined before that point. Man's hand should be used to stabilize as the lady provides her own momentum. It is equally important that the man's arm remain well above the lady's head.

    Sweep A Quarter

    DEFINITION: Dancers continue the circling movement one quarter in the direction of their body flow.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing couples in a circling movement (right or left).

    TIMING: Two couples, 2 steps; all 4 couples, 4 steps.

    STYLE: All dancers use couple handholds. Couples working together should smoothly disengage previous handhold and blend into the sweeping basic.


    DEFINITION: Dancers step forward ending right side to right side and move around each other turning in a clockwise direction four or more counts. Dancers break out of the swing. The lady continues turning to her right until facing the same direction as the man, they form a couple.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers (man and lady).

    TIMING: Advanced skill, usually 4 to 8 beats of music, used at caller's discretion.

    STYLE: Men - left arm bent at the elbow, palm slightly up, right hand on lady's back slightly above the waist, posture should be erect. Ladies - right hand palm down on man's left hand, left hand on men's right shoulder, arm resting on man's right arm. Footwork: WALK AROUND - use short walking or shuffling steps around the central point. BUZZ STEP - right foot moves in small steps around the pivot point between the two dancers, while the left foot pushes, as in a scooter motion. Ending position: Lady rolls off man's right arm blending smoothly to position for the next call or twirls (to a promenade position only - lady's option). To twirl, the man raises his left hand over the lady's head, holding lady's right hand loosely. Her hand revolves around his for stability as she turns clockwise moving down line of dance three steps, into a promenade position, joining inside hands on the 4th step.

    Swing Thru

    DEFINITION: Those who can, turn by the right one half, then those who can, turn by the left one half. If "right" is not specified preceding the command to swing thru, it is a right swing thru.

    STARTING FORMATION: Ocean wave or alamo.

    TIMING: 6 steps from point of contact

    STYLE: All hands are joined in hands-up position, elbows in close. Exert slight pressure to assist opposite dancer in turning. Arcing turns should be utilized rather than pull by type of movements and should flow effortlessly from one turn to the other so that you are in a sense, "weaving" along the line.

    Touch 1/4

    DEFINITION: Dancers touch and without stopping turn one quarter by the right.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers.

    TIMING: 2 steps.

    STYLE: Use normal hands-up, palm-to-palm position, with hands about shoulder level.

    Trade By

    DEFINITION: The couples facing each other pass thru, the couples facing out do a partner trade to face in.

    STARTING FORMATION: Trade by or any formation in which two couples are facing each other and the other couples are facing out.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Same as pass thru and partner trade.

    Trade (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers)

    DEFINITION: Directed dancers exchange places, changing facing directions using the general rule. General rule: Any two directed dancers exchange places by walking forward in a semi-circle ending in the other dancer's starting position. Each trading dancer has reversed his original facing direction. If the trading dancers start while facing in the same direction, they pass right shoulders when they meet per the right shoulder passing rule.

    STARTING FORMATION: Any wave, line or column.

    TIMING: Static square, partner, 4 steps; OW, centers, 4; ends, 4; from two-faced lines, couples, 6 steps.

    STYLE: Any two adjacent opposite facing dancers use normal hands up position for turning as in swing thru type movements. Girls trading (i.e. from end of line) will use normal skirt work.

    U Turn Back

    DEFINITION: The dancer does an in place about-face turn, turning toward partner unless the body flow dictates otherwise. If alone (i.e., no partner), the dancer turns toward the center of the set. If the dancer is facing directly toward or away from the center of the set, he may turn in either direction.


    TIMING: 2 steps.

    STYLE: Arms in natural dance position.

    Veer Left or Right

    DEFINITION: Two facing couples working as a unit or two facing dancers move to the left (or right, as directed) and forward to end in a two-faced line or mini wave respectively. From a mini wave or a two-faced line, the veering direction must be toward the center of the mini wave or line. Each dancer, or couple working as a unit, moves forward and inward to end back to back with the other dancer or couple respectively.

    STARTING FORMATION: Facing dancers, facing couples, mini waves or two-faced lines.

    TIMING: Box, 2 steps; Static square, heads or sides, 4 steps.

    STYLE: All dancers use couple handhold. Outside hands in normal dance position.

    Weave The Ring

    DEFINITION: A right and left grand without touching hands.

    STARTING FORMATION: Square or circle or any position where dancers may conveniently turn 90' or less (if necessary) to face opposite sex, men facing counterclockwise, ladies clockwise.

    TIMING: you meet your partner on the other side, 10 steps.

    STYLE: In the weave the ring, ladies will work their skirt with both hands as they move around the square, not exaggerated but with both hands on skirt. Men hold hands in natural dance position. The motion is one with the circle not too large and with the dancers leading with their right shoulder as they pass the dancer on the right, then with the left shoulder as they pass the dancer on the left.

    Wheel And Deal (Lines Of Four)

    DEFINITION: The left hand couple only takes a step forward. The couples wheel (180') toward the center of the line with the center dancer of each couple acting as the pivot point about which the couples turn. The couple that started on the right half of the line wheels in front of the other couple. Both couples end facing the same direction with the original left hand couple standing behind the original right hand couple.

    STARTING FORMATION: Line(s) of four facing in the same direction.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Use couple handholds. Inside dancers serve as the pivot point and should exert slight pressure to assist as in any wheel around movement.

    Wheel And Deal (Two-Faced Line)

    DEFINITION: Each couple steps straight ahead one step. Each couple then wheels (180') toward the center of the line with the center dancer of each couple acting as the pivot point about which the couples turn. Couples end facing each other.

    STARTING FORMATION: Two-faced line.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Use couple handholds. Inside dancers serve as the pivot point and should exert slight pressure to assist as in any wheel around movement.

    Wheel Around

    DEFINITION: The couple, working as a unit turns around (180'). The left hand dancer backs up while the right hand dancer moves forward. The pivot point is the handhold between the two dancers.


    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Same as in couples promenade.

    Wrong Way Grand

    DEFINITION: Like right and left grand, but men move clockwise and the ladies move counterclockwise.

    STARTING FORMATION: Square or circle or any position where dancers may conveniently turn 90' or less (if necessary) to face opposite sex, men facing counterclockwise, ladies clockwise.

    TIMING: Until you meet your partner on the other side, 10 steps.

    STYLE: In the right and left grand for all dancers, hands are involved with alternating pull-by movements, no twirls. Arms should be held in natural dance position and the handhold position should be released as dancers pass each other. Men particularly should stand tall and resist the temptation to lean over and stretch out their hand to the next person. Just a comfortable extension of the arm and hand is all that is necessary. Brief eye contact should be made as they meet each dancer.

    Wrong Way Promenade

    DEFINITION: As a unit the couple walks forward around the circle clockwise. Unless otherwise specified, they promenade until reaching the man's home position. At the end of the promenade the couple turns, as a unit, to face the center of the set. If promenading to the man's home position, the couple always goes at least one quarter around the square. If need be, they continue past the man's home position for another full time around.


    TIMING: Static Square, couples promenading full around, 16; three quarters, 12; one half, 8; one quarter, 4; 4 people promenading inside, 8.

    STYLE: In promenade position the man's hands are palm up, right forearm over the lady's left arm. Lady's hands are palm down in the man's hand. Joined hands should be positioned equally between partners.

    Wrong Way Thar

    DEFINITION: A wrong way thar may be formed at the end of any right arm turn by the center dancers (or those directed) forming a left hand box star and backing up. Outside dancers hold the right forearm of a center dancer and walk forward.


    TIMING: Static square, from allemande left to point of backup star, 12 steps.

    STYLE: When the men are in the center backing up, their right hands will form a packsaddle/box star, taking the wrist of the man in front of him. When the ladies star, they will simply touch hands in the center. The dancers forming the star must remember to allow those on the outside to set pace, since they have to travel a much further distance. If the centers move too fast, the result is that those on the outside will have to run to maintain the pace. As in any star, the ladies, while on the outside, may elect to hold their skirts.


    DEFINITION: From one couple following another, each dancer in the lead couple separates away from his partner and walks around a full circle to end in the position of the dancer who was directly behind him. Meanwhile each trailing dancer steps directly forward into the vacated position of the lead dancer. Each dancer ends facing in the same direction he started. From a setup where one dancer is following another, the lead dancer walks away from the center of the square and around in a full circle to the position of the dancer who was directly behind him. Meanwhile, the trailing dancer steps directly forward into the position vacated by the lead dancer.

    STARTING FORMATION: Starting and completed double pass thru, two-faced lines, single file promenade, columns, box circulate and promenade.

    TIMING: 4 steps.

    STYLE: Lead dancers hold arms in natural dance position. Ladies skirt work optional. Trailing dancers use couple handhold. In zoom it is important that lead dancers initiate the roll out movement with a slight forward motion to allow sufficient room for trailing dancers to step through comfortably.

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    Last updated: November 20, 1997